Saturday, June 15, 2019

P*10WCA - second week

We are in the second week of the anniversary event for the World Castle Award. Seven of the eight special calls have been active from 35 different castles in The Netherlands.
3800 QSOs haven been logged with 1500 different chasers.

As there are already 100 chasers that have reached award levels bronze, silver or even gold, we have decided to make the awards available already based on the activity up till now. There is a special page on this website dedicated to the award: WCA10 Award page

Note that this is a special service for the most active chasers. It is not meant to be a real-time award system. It will only be updated once or twice until the final update after all activities have been completed and processed (beginning of July).

The top 10 chaser list currently consists of (# calls worked, #activities worked):

  1. SP8LEP (6, 25)
  2. ON4CB (7, 17)
  3. OM1AX (7, 15)
    OH3GZ (6, 21)
  4. DL8NCA (6, 20)
  5. DL1LQC (7, 13)
    IK2ECC (6, 19)
  6. LY2KM (7, 11)
    OH6GAZ (6, 17)
  7. DD0VE (6, 16)

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